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Elevate is proud to announce the Elevate Fund, supported by generous funding from Spirit of 2012, and in collaboration with Foundation for Future London. This London 2012 Legacy Partnership project is designed to bring the legacy from the London 2012 Games – past, present and future – to the forefront.
The Elevate Fund will distribute grants for the community with the community, and collaborate with funders to fund impactful projects that help young people and youth invested organisations from Newham, Hackney, Tower Hamlets and Waltham Forest.
If you have any accessibility requirements that you'd like to speak to us about, please get in touch at Elevate@londonlegacy.co.uk.
Applications open on the 2 April and close at noon Monday 10 June. The decision panel will be made up of Elevate Board members with input from key stakeholders London Legacy Development Corporation and FFL.
Our Funds
Young Person Awards

Young Person Awards
Are you aged between 16 and 25? Do you want funding?
Apply for up to £500 with our Young Person Award, to reach a specific education or developmental goal. This could be through purchasing a course, equipment or other support. Our application form is run in partnership with Foundation for Future London and is simple and straightforward!
Please note that you need to live, work, or study in Hackney, Newham, Tower Hamlets or Waltham Forest to be eligible to apply.
Catalyst for Change Awards

Catalyst for Change Awards
Do you have a youth-led or youth-invested project or organisation that could tackle a key issue facing young people today? You can apply to the Catalyst for Change Award for £2,000 to make your idea a reality!
Our application form is run in partnership with Foundation for Future London and is simple and straightforward!
Please note that you need to live, work or study in Hackney, Newham, Tower Hamlets, or Waltham Forest. Your project also need to focus in one of the above boroughs to be eligible to apply.
Breakthrough Awards

Breakthrough Awards
Are you a registered youth-led or youth-invested organisation with a track record and an ambition to make a difference? Apply to our Breakthrough Award for between £5,000 and £15,000.
Please note that you will need be a registered organisation, and live, work or study in Hackney, Newham, Tower Hamlets, or Waltham Forest. Your project also need to focus in one of the above boroughs to be eligible to apply.
In order to apply to this Award, you must attend an informal workshop on how to write your application. We'll be announcing our next training workshops shortly. If you'd like to sign up to our mailing list, please email Elevate@londonlegacy.co.uk.
How to Apply Workshops

How to Apply Workshops
Have you got an idea but not sure how to put it into words? We'll be hosting 'How To Apply' workshops in April and May. If you want to sign up to the mailing list, or you have any questions, please contact us at elevate@londonlegacy.co.uk.

What are your eligibility criteria?
In order to apply to the Young Person Award, you need to be aged between 18 and 25. You also need to live, work or study in either Hackney, Newham, Tower Hamlets or Waltham Forest.
To apply to the Catalyst for Change Award, and the Breakthrough Award, you need to be a youth-led or youth-invested individual/organisation. You need to live, work or study in either Hackney, Newham, Tower Hamlets or Waltham Forest. Your project will also need to focus on one of the four above boroughs.
What do you mean by Young People?
We generally mean those aged under 30 years old.
What's the difference between youth-led and youth-invested?
By youth-led, we mean your project/organisation is run and led by young people (under 30s). By youth-invested, we mean that your output is for young people (under 30s).
Can I apply to more than one fund?
No, you can only apply to one of the funds.
Can I apply to fund a smaller youth-focussed part of a larger project?
Yes, as long as the activity you’re applying for is eligible.
I am a small start-up organisation – which fund should I apply for?
The Catalyst for Change Award is catered more towards small start up organisations to test an idea. The Breakthrough Award is more for organisations with some experience looking to scale.
Can I apply for my organisation’s core costs?
We have no restrictions on applying for core costs, however you may want to think about how competitive your application will be in providing a positive social impact in the community.
What can I apply to the Young Person Award for?
We’ve deliberately this open as we want to consider a wide range of applications. However, it will need to be for something that upskills or develops you in your educational or professional life.
For example, you could purchase a tablet, laptop, camera, supplies; or a short course, coaching or a certification.
We expect you to provide a good reason for any spend, particularly on equipment, including why you need it and what it will allow you to do. Preference will go to those who can demonstrate commitment and dedication to achieving their educational or developmental goals.
Can I apply for a long-term project?
We welcome short term and long term projects.
If successful, when will I receive the money?
You’ll get the first 50% of the funding at the beginning of September, the next 40% halfway through your project, and the last 10% after you’ve submitted your evaluation report.
How long do I have to spend the money?
For Young Person Award, you have 3 months to spend your money and submit an evaluation.
For Catalyst and Breakthrough Awards, you have until 31st March at the latest to spend your money and submit your evaluation report.
What are you expecting in the evaluation report?
For Young Person Awards, we're expecting a short summary of what the fund has allowed you do.
For Catalyst for Change and Breakthrough Awards, we would expect you to report against the measures of success you have identified in your application, along with information on how your project has gone.
If you have any further questions, please get in touch at Elevate@londonlegacy.co.uk.