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Safety information

Discover how safety of all visitors is paramount at Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, with Secure by Design accreditation and a 91% visitor rating for personal safety.

Park safety policy

Across all of our activity areas including construction; events; and the day to day running of the Park, we are dedicated to continual improvement through learning from our own experience, from the expertise of our partners and suppliers and wider bench-marking, and learning. We are committed to ensuring that every part of the Park is safe.

That is why our work on transforming the Park and within our construction areas has to date been undertaken with an unrivalled safety and health record, not just preventing accidents but also enhancing the well-being of those that live, work and visit us

We work with contractors, developers and our supply chain, together with companies around the Park, to develop and maintain good standards for health and safety –including construction in the area - to further aid our aims of safety.

Research and reports

Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park was the first in the UK to achieve Secure by Design accreditation and in our latest survey, 91% of visitors rated their personal safety around the Park as 8 out of 10 or more. Levels of crime on the Park are very low but we want to make sure you know about the safety measures we have in place so that if you ever find yourself lost, or want to speak to somebody about unusual behaviour, you know how we can help you.

The safety of women and girls

LLDC ran a consultation in September 2021 on the safety of women and girls on and around Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park.  

Arup have undertaken an analysis of this feedback and offered a number of recommendations for how LLDC and partners can address concerns raised. This report is a crucial milestone in LLDC’s work to improve the safety of women and girls and LLDC is working in collaboration with Arup and partners to map out the next steps for delivering required interventions.

Children and young people

In addition to our wider work to make sure the Park is safe for visitors, we have a particular approach for our younger visitors. Children and young people need active play to test their abilities and learn about taking and managing risks in a managed environment.

Play England state, "Children need and want to take risks when they play. Play provision aims to respond to these needs and wishes by offering children stimulating, challenging environments for exploring and developing their abilities. In doing this, play provision aims to manage the level of risk so that children are not exposed to unacceptable risks of death or serious injury".  The three play areas here enable children and young people to be allowed to learn by exploring exciting, challenging environments and activities including climbing walls, scramble nets, rotating logs and other facilities across the Park. 

Our Safeguarding Policy sets out our approach for children and vulnerable people visiting the Park.  As part of our commitment to safeguarding children and vulnerable adults on the Park, we have a dedicated Safeguarding Officer and a mailbox for reporting any issues. If you are concerned about a safeguarding issue on the Park, please email safeguarding@londonlegacy.co.uk

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