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Transfer of Planning Powers

The LLDC Planning Policy & Decisions Team (PPDT) will cease its function as local planning authority for the LLDC area from midnight on the 30th November 2024 and return planning powers to the local London Boroughs. 

LLDC planning powers

In February 2020, the Legacy Corporation’s Board agreed that LLDC’s town planning powers and functions would return to the four neighbouring boroughs of Newham, Hackney, Tower Hamlets and Waltham Forest, by the end of December 2024.

On 8 September 2022, the Mayor of London formally decided for the purposes of sections 204(2) and (3) of the Localism Act 2011 that from 1 December 2024 LLDC shall cease to exercise, as regards the whole of its Mayoral development area, the entirety of its town planning functions conferred on it by London Legacy Development Corporation (Planning Functions) Order 2012 (“2012 Order”  SI 2012 No. 2167). 

From that date the planning functions that were exercised by the LLDC as a result of the 2012 Order will return to the London Boroughs of Newham, Hackney, Tower Hamlets and Waltham Forest and will be exercised by them. The last day on which the LLDC will exercise its planning functions will be until midnight on 30 November 2024.

We are currently working with colleagues at the Department for Levelling Up, Homes and Communities on the relevant Statutory Instrument required to revoke the LLDC’s planning powers on the above date. We are also working closely with London Borough colleagues to put mechanisms in place to ensure a smooth handover of planning data, knowledge and processes.

When we have updates on the progress of this joint work, we will refresh the information on this page when available.

Transfer of planning and policy data

To enable the transfer of the planning function, a complete and comprehensive set of planning data and records needs to be transferred to the four boroughs. The transferring planning and policy data will include 'personal data' (eg: names, addresses, contact details), to ensure each borough has a complete set of records to support the ongoing planning function. This includes the historic (LLDC) decision making process, background and support for future borough planning decisions, and Freedom of Information (FOI) and Subject Access Requests (SAR) responsibilities.

For further details on the data transfer process, including what data is being transferred and why it needs to be transferred, please review our Planning Policy and Decisions Team Privacy Notice.

Transfer protocols

LLDC and the Growth Boroughs’ officers have agreed protocols on development management working arrangements; transfer of town planning data; and the approach to the transfer of CIL and S106 monies. Final drafts attached are

    Delegation of Planning Powers

    Working Arrangements from the 1st September 2024 through to 30th November 2024

    To prepare for the formal return of LPA powers on the 1st December 2024, it has been agreed with the four boroughs that the LLDC will delegate it’s planning decision making powers to the boroughs, in advance of the formal return of LPA functions on the 1st December 2024, for a 3-month period from the 1st September 2024 through to the 30th November 2024.

    From Friday 30th August 2024 the LLDC’s presence on the Planning Portal will be amended and the option to submit to the LLDC removed. Anyone submitting an application via the Portal will, from this date, not be required to do anything differently and can submit their application as normal, as the system will be reconfigured to route all planning application submissions through to the requisite local borough, rather than to the LLDC as was previously the case.

    To facilitate this delegation of planning powers, separate MOU’s have been drafted with each borough, which outlines the rational for the decision and the approach to related LPA processes, such as Pre-App Discussions. Final drafts of the MOU’s will be made available below, once agreed.

    • MOU – London Borough of Newham (to follow)
    • MOU – London Borough of Tower Hamlets (to follow)
    • MOU – London Borough of Hackney (to follow)
    • MOU – London Borough of Waltham Forest (to followw)

    Should you have any questions concerning these delegation arrangements, then please contact us by email: planningenquiries@londonlegacy.co.uk.

    Further updates

    When we have updates on the progress of this joint work, we will refresh the information on this page when available.

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