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The area of Bromley-by-Bow between the A12 and River Lea is undergoing major change and we want to make sure that the local streets and places are fit for the future.
Bromley-by-Bow is recognised as a potential future District Centre in the LLDC Local Plan. Furthermore, the LLDC Bromley-by-Bow Supplementary Planning Document (SPD, 2017) sets out the ambition to improve the livability and local connectivity in the Bromley-by-Bow area to the east of the A12, and TfL consulted on potential improvements to local connectivity in 2018 under the title ‘Bow Vision’.
The landowners and developers in Bromley-by-Bow recognise the importance of boosting transport connections and have pledged to improve walking and cycling and enable new bus routes and local circulation alongside environmental enhancement to improve peoples’ day-to-day experience.
Since adoption of the SPD, a third of the development sites and anticipated homes have come forward; residents have started to move into the area and improved connections to the Bromley-by-Bow Underground station have been delivered. The next steps are to bring forward further improvements in public realm and transport connectivity.
LLDC have commissioned a team led by landscape architects and transport planners Urban Movement to work with the community and stakeholders to ensure that local people at Bromley-by-Bow have their say on priorities to improve the appearance and feel of the local streets and places and support sustainable travel choices.
Sustainability and design aims
We will support the area to become:
- Greener to help reduce pollution and for the area to be more attractive
- Cleaner and more open and place where local people can spend time in
- Safer, particularly at night
- More accessible for local people including getting around the local and surrounding neighbourhoods with improved connectivity including public transport
Project timeline (exact dates subject to change)
- April 2023 to September 2023: Feasibility designs developed with stakeholders and local people
- November 2023 to April 2024: Further design development and approvals with further engagement activities
- July 2024: Initial construction period begins
Have your opinion heard
The voice of local people is crucial to help shape these ideas, we want to hear from people who know the area best, including residents and regular visitors; feedback will genuinely help shape what elements are taken forward towards delivery.
In summer 2023 we carried out in-person and online surveys, see below some of the key findings:
- The majority of respondents live locally and use local facilities regularly.
- Most people arrive/ leave the area by sustainable means; walking, cycle, scooting, bus, tube.
- Most agree that improvements to infrastructure would lead them to walk/ cycle more.
- A tidier environment, greening and better crossings are top priorities.
- 64% of respondents don’t feel safe at night.
- 68% of respondents think the A12 limits how they move around.
In winter 2023 we held a public workshop where we presented and discussed the proposals so far.
We also held a creative workshop with young people to test ways to improve wayfinding in the area.
Detailed designs for further consultation will be developed by spring 2024.
To keep in touch with the project, provide your view on the proposals and/or sign up to the focus group, please get in touch via the contact details below.
Further details
Please do check this webpage for any further updates. If you wish to receive email updates on the project, please email liammorrisey@londonlegacy.co.uk
There will be further opportunity to comment during the following stages of project development including in early 2024 when we have established more detailed designs.
Links to planning documents: