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The Planning Decisions Committee (PDC) will either make the decisions on the applications submitted to the Legacy Corporation or delegate the decision to Officers of the Legacy Corporation’s Planning Policy and Decisions Team (PPDT).
The Planning Decisions Committee comprises three Legacy Corporation Board members, four independent members and five local Councillors recommended by the four boroughs directly affected by the proposals for the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park and surrounding areas.
The Committee members are:
Jamie Kerr (Chair*) - Legacy Corporation Board member
Gabrielle Appiah - Legacy Corporation Board member
Gurpreet Dehal - Legacy Corporation Board member
Cllr Jessica Webb (Member) and Cllr Joseph Ogundemuren (substitute Member) - London Borough of Hackney
- Cllr Webb - Register of Interests Form
- Cllr Ogundemuren - Register of Interests Form pending
- Cllr Webb Biography
- Cllr Ogundemuren Biography
Cllr Marie Pye (Member) and Cllr Jenny Gray (substitute Member) - London Borough of Waltham Forest
- Cllr Pye - Register of Interests Form pending
- Cllr Gray - Register of Interests Form pending
- Cllr Pye Biography
- Cllr Gray Biography
Cllr Kabir Ahmed (Member) and Cllr Abdul Wahid (substitute Member) -London Borough of Tower Hamlets
- Cllr Ahmed - Register of Interests Form pending
- Cllr Wahid - Register of Interests Form pending
- Cllr Ahmed - Biography
- Cllr Wahid -Biography
Cllr James Beckles (Member) and Cllr John Morris (substitute Member) - London Borough of Newham
- Cllr Beckles - Register of Interests Form pending
- Cllr Morris - Register of Interests Form pending
- Cllr Beckles - Biography pending
- Cllr Morris - Biography pending
Cllr Rachel Tripp (Member) and Mayor Rokhsana Fiaz, OBE (substitute Member) - London Borough of Newham
- Cllr Tripp - Register of Interests Form
- Mayor Fiaz - Register of Interests Form - Please see Our Board web page
- Cllr Tripp - Biography
- Mayor Fiaz - Biography
Piers Gough CBE RA - Independent member
James Fennell BA (Hons) MRTPI MRICS FRSA - Independent member
- Register of Interests Form pending
- Biography
Abdul Thahid BSc (Hons), MRICS - Independent member
Martha Grekos - Independent member
* in the absence of the committee Chairman, the Legacy Corporation Chairman will nominate a substitute chairperson.
A brief biography for each member can be found via the appropriate expandable section at the bottom of this page.
The Planning Committee is governed by a Code of Practice, which can be viewed and/or downloaded from our Governance Documents page.
Further clarification on the Governance and Terms of Reference of the PDC can be found in the following board reports, which can be viewed and/or downloaded below:
The papers and minutes of all London Legacy Development Corporation (LLDC) Planning Committee Meetings, from the 23 October 2012 to date can be accessed from the Greater London Authority (GLA) website and/or downloaded via the link below:
The minutes of all Olympic Delivery Authority (ODA) Planning Committee Meetings, from 6 September 2006 to 25 September 2012 can be accessed and/or downloaded via the appropriate expandable section at the bottom of this page.
For details of the next Legacy Corporation Planning Committee Meeting, please visit https://www.london.gov.uk/moderngovlldc/ieListMeetings.aspx?CommitteeId=273
New arrangements for the proceedings of the LLDC Board and Committees have been put in place from 7 May 2021.
These arrangements are set out in the LLDC Scheme for Remote Decision-Making 2021 (Appendix 1). The provisions of the Scheme will apply for as long as the Chair considers it appropriate on the basis it is not desirable or appropriate for meetings to be convened and held physically in-person having regard (without limitation) to the current and developing risks to public health posed by Covid-19, the practicality and availability of members to meet in person in compliance with social distancing guidance and requirements.
Under the Remote Decision-Making Scheme, the Corporation Chair or the Committee Chairs have a delegation from the Board to decide whether it is appropriate or desirable to transact business either at an in-person meeting, or with decisions being taken by the relevant Chair under a delegation conferred by the Scheme following consultation at a proceeding of the relevant Advisory Panel. This will be clearly marked on the agenda. Further information is below.
In-person meetings: The location of a LLDC Board or Committee meeting to be held physically in-person will be indicated on the agenda. Such meetings will be open to the public except for when confidential, personal or financial information matters are being discussed. These items will be marked on the agenda. Members of the public can attend the public session of a Board or Committee meeting and obtain copies of the public papers. Agendas of business that will be discussed at a meeting and the reports on each topic for discussion (except any which contain confidential, personal or financial information) can generally be viewed on the website five days before the meeting. Minutes of the decisions taken at the meeting will also be available on the website once they have been agreed. Members of the public can also inspect background papers relating to a report.
Advisory Panel proceedings: As set out in the Scheme for Remote Decision-Making (Appendix 1), any Advisory Panel proceedings will be held by remote access (Microsoft Teams) and be open to the public except for when confidential, personal or financial information matters are being discussed (these items will be marked on the agenda). Members of the public can view or listen, via remote access, to the public section of each Board or Committee Advisory Panel proceedings and view copies of the public reports. The link for the public section of the Advisory Panel will be shown on the agenda for the proceedings. Agendas of matters that will be discussed and the reports on each topic for discussion (except any which contain confidential, personal or financial information) can generally be viewed on the website five days before the proceedings. A note of the proceedings containing a statement of the Chair’s decisions on each of the items on the Advisory Panel agenda will be published on the website as soon as is practicable.
Planning Committee Details
The next Planning Decisions Committee Meeting will take place on Tuesday 24 September 2024.
The meetings will begin at 6pm and the venue for the meeting will be the Auditorium, 10th Floor, 5 Endeavour Square, Westfield Avenue, London, E20 1JN.
The meeting will also be available online via Microsoft Teams for those who would like to view remotely.
The link can be found below:
Please note that the meeting will be managed to ensure it runs effectively. LLDC will not tolerate abusive or offensive behaviour or language at the meeting and will retain the right to remove people from the video conference if necessary.
Madison Square Garden (MSG) Planning Decisions Committee Meeting
To view the video of the Madison Square Garden (MSG) Planning Decisions Committee Meeting held on Tuesday 22nd March 2022 at 6pm, please follow the first link below to the QEOP YouTube channel. To view the videos of the Madison Square Garden (MSG) Planning Decisions Committee Meeting held on Tuesday 24th January 2023 at 6pm, please follow the second and third links below to the QEOP YouTube channel:
Should you wish to make representations at a Planning Committee in the future, you need to let us know in advance of the meeting date, via email: planningcommittee@londonlegacy.co.uk