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The publications below are a selection of published material that goes into greater detail on parts of the Park or elements of our work. There are other areas on this site which have links to resources that may be useful - please use the links on the right hand side of this page to view them.
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Should you have any problems with accessing these resources or if you would like to request a hard copy, please contact online@londonlegacy.co.uk. Please note that as some are large files, they may take some time to load. If they do not appear to be loading, right click and select 'save as...' then open them from your device.
On the Park
Want to know how Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park is managed? This document helps explain and summarise the Park Management Plan. It explains all the different components and people that keep the Park managed and maintained to Green Flag Standard.
A walk around Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park
This technical design guide explores the key design concepts and principles supporting the vision for Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park.
An Action Plan for Building Community in a New Estate
The London Legacy Development Corporation commissioned this research report in spring 2014, to help inform the development of the five new neighborhoods that will frame Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park over the next 10 years.
The Park Design Guide is designed to provide third party designers, developers and land managers with information required to produce high quality design proposals which can be successfully implemented within the LLDC area.
Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park is cementing itself as an urban testbed, where new and innovative ideas can be stress-tested in a real-world environment. This summary report looks at how this role could be expanded further, presenting a vision for how the Park can support future innovation.
Around the Park
A detailed look at the work going on to ensure the Park is integrated with the communities around it, including information on projects we have funded or supported in the local area.
How we work
An in-depth guide to the sustainability impacts of the Park venues.
Transformation of the Park after the Games
How the Park site has changed since London won the bid to host the 2012 Games and how the Legacy Corporation intends to transform the Park, its venues and infrastructure into a new and dynamic area of the city.