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East Village Planning Applications

On 27th February 2023 the LLDC Planning Policy and Decisions Team (PPDT) received a suite of planning applications for the remaining undeveloped plots in East Village and the East Village Public realm, comprising:

  • Plot N18/19, Celebration Avenue – a new Reserved Matters Application, pursuant to the Stratford City Outline Planning Permission (SC OPP) for predominantly residential uses. Two separate applications are submitted alongside this RMA: a Section 96A (“S96A”) of the Town and Country Planning Act (“TCPA”) 1990 (as amended) application is being submitted in support to allow the proposals for Plots N18/N19 to deviate from the SC OPP; and an approval of details (“AOD”) application that seeks an update to the approved Stratford City Site Wide Housing Strategy (“SWHS”) pursuant to Condition C1 of the SC OPP;
  • Public Realm - a new standalone and detailed application for enhancements to key areas of public realm, namely Victory Park and the area formerly known as the Belvedere.
  • Plot N16, 50 Celebration Avenue - a new standalone and detailed planning application for purpose-built student accommodation (“PBSA”). A separate application is submitted in support of that standalone application pursuant to S96A of the TCPA (as amended) for non-material amendments to “slot out” Plot N16 from the SC OPP. This is necessary because no PBSA floorspace forms part of the overarching SC OPP.

The details of the applications that have been submitted by Stratford Village Property Holdings 1 Limited are as follows:

East Village Plot N18/19 (outlined in orange on map below)

Application No:



Plots N18/19, Zone 3, Stratford City, Celebration Avenue, Stratford, E15 2EG


Application for Reserved Matters Approval for layout, scale, design, appearance, access and landscaping pursuant to Conditions B1, B8, B9, B10, K6, K6a, Q1 and Q4 of the Stratford City Outline Planning Permission (ref: 10/90641/EXTODA) comprising the construction of two buildings extending to G+39 storeys (+147.6 m AoD) at N18 and G+34 storeys (+132.0 AoD) at N19 to provide up to 848 residential units with complementary retail (Use Class E (a)-(c) and Sui Generis (drinking establishments and hot food takeaways)); associated blue badge parking, motorcycle and cycle parking; new vehicular access from Anthems Way and Celebration Avenue; alterations to the existing open space within Victory Park and the redesign of the existing Neighbourhood Equipped Area of Play (NEAP); and associated works, together with approval in writing pursuant to condition O9 to erect residential dwellings that will experience levels of groundborne noise from railway tracks in excess of the maximum level cited in condition O8 of the outline planning permission.


The site is within 10m of relevant railway land.

Application No:



Zone 3, Stratford City, Stratford, E20


Application for Approval of Details pursuant to Condition C1 (E) (Stratford City Site Wide Housing Strategy) of planning permission 10/90641/EXTODA dated 30 March 2012 in so far it relates to Zone 3 East Village. 

Application No:



Stratford City Site - Stratford Rail Lands, E15 Including Land Bounded By A River Lea, Channelsea River, Eastway Cycle Circuit, Clays Lane, Temple Mill Lane, Land To The Rear Of Henrietta Street And Thornton Grove, Lee Valley Railway Line


Application for Non-Material Amendments pursuant to Section 96A , of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended) to the Stratford City Outline Planning Permission 10/90641/EXTODA, dated 30th March 2012:

  1. To allow proposals at Plots N18/19 to deviate from the Parameter plan 7 (Development Heights), pursuant to condition D9 and D9A (Parameter Plans);
  2. To allow minor adjustments to be made to the market housing mix at East Village Amendments to Condition U3 (‘Housing’).

East Village Public Realm Victory Park & Belvedere (outlined green on map below)

Application No:



Existing areas of open space known as Victory Park and the Belvedere within East Village, Zone 5, Stratford City


Full planning application for the redesign and enhancement to the existing open space and public realm at Victory Park and Belvedere in East Village including:

  • The reprovision of the Neighbourhood Equipped Area of Play (NEAP) and Local Equipped Area of Play (LEAP);
  • The reprovision of public art and area of wilderness;
  • The provision of a pavilion structure (Use Class E(a) and E(b)/F.2(b)/Sui Generis) to provide a flexible space and WC facilities;
  • An area to provide a community space, activities and events;
  • The provision of a canopy structure;
  • Enhancements to existing pedestrian and cycle connectivity;
  • Hard and soft landscape proposals;
  • Street furniture including, but not limited to, benches and lighting; and
  • Associated works including, but not limited to, the removal and reprovision of utilities & in-ground services and re-levelling works.

East Village Plot N16 (Purpose-Built Student Accommodation) (outlined red on map below)

Application No:



Plot N16, Zone 3 Stratford City, 50 Celebration Avenue, Stratford, E20 1DB


Application for Full Planning Permission for the construction of a part 10-storey, part 18-storey building providing a 504 bedroom purpose-built student accommodation (18,682m2) (GIA) (Use Class Sui Generis), with commercial, business and service floorspace (313m2) (GIA) (Use Class E) at ground floor, and landscaping, parking and other associated works.

Application No:



Plot N16, Zone 3 Stratford City, 50 Celebration Avenue, Stratford, E20 1DB


Application for Approval of Details pursuant to Condition A1 (Zonal Masterplans) of the Stratford City Outline Planning Permission 10/90641/EXTODA in so far as it relates to Plot N16, Stratford City Zone 3. The application seeks approval for an update to the approved Zonal Masterplan drawings for Zones 3-6 of Stratford City Outline Planning Permission to exclude Plot N16 from the Zone 3 ZMP.

Application No:



Plot N16, Zone 3 Stratford City, 50 Celebration Avenue, Stratford, E20 1DB


Application for Non-Material Amendments to exclude the land identified as Plot N16 from Zone 3 of the SC OPP (forming part of East Village) associated with planning permission 10/90641/EXTODA dated 20 March 2012.

East Village Map

Application Documents

The planning applications have been submitted and comprise of a number of plans, drawings and documents that can be viewed on our website. The applications can all be viewed via the Planning Applications Register, using the reference numbers above.

We have provided here links to some key documents on the three main applications, which provide an overview of the proposal for viewing/downloading. Please be aware some of these documents are quite large and may take some time to open / download on certain computers.

Plot N16 Full Planning Application 23/00101/FUL

How can I comment?

If you have any comments about the proposal, please write to the Planning Policy and Decisions Team by 11 April 2023. Comments must be submitted in writing via email or post (address and email details can be found here).

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