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Press Release 24/04/2012

These are some of the commitments made in a new sustainability guide published today by the London Legacy Development Corporation.

After the Games the Development Corporation will create a 225 hectare park with 102 hectares of open space, up to 8,000 homes, five permanent sporting venues, event spaces, 45 hectares of bio diverse habitat and a network of pathways, cycle routes and waterways for all to enjoy.

‘Your Sustainability Guide to the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park 2030’ is our vision for life in and around the Park in 2030. It sets out our objectives for transforming the area into a place where people can live, work and visit sustainably.

The guide demonstrates how through targeted investment and intelligent design we will encourage people in and around the Park to choose healthier, more active lifestyles.

The Development Corporation’s wider sustainability aims include attracting permanent jobs, building family homes, and improving opportunities for the people in the host boroughs.

Everything from the appliances installed in new homes, the transport links into the Park and the public bins and recycling points will be designed to make sustainable options the easy choice.

Andrew Altman, Chief Executive of the London Legacy Development Corporation, said:

“Our legacy plans are further advanced than any previous host city this includes working to make sure the future Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park will become a benchmark for sustainable living.

This guide sets out an ambitious plan to not just deliver sustainable parklands, homes and jobs but also to create an environment that drives behavioural change.

This ambition will shape every development on the Park from the low energy homes, to the ticketless events, to the beautiful bio-diverse habitat we plan to create.”

Shaun McCarthy, Chair of the Commission for a Sustainable London 2012 said:

“This strategy represents a step change for sustainability on the Park setting challenging targets in many areas.

Yet there is more still to do if we are all to enjoy a sustainable future. We must look to the London Legacy Development Corporation and organisations like it to light the way, innovating for even higher sustainability gains from 2012 onwards.”

The guide clearly sets out our priorities in seven key areas for the sustainable development of the future Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park. Full details are available online but highlights include:

Water management and conservation

  • Reduce drinking water use by Park residents to 105 litres per person per day, compared to a London average of 144 litres
  • Maintain and improve upon a 40 per cent reduction in drinking water use in the venues when compared to similar venues
  • All new developments to use rainwater harvesting and grey water (domestic waste water) and park irrigation to be from rainwater harvesting and treated black water (sewage)

Energy conservation and carbon reduction

  • Zero carbon homes
  • 15 per cent reduction in emissions from actual energy use by Park occupants over five years by promoting energy efficient home appliances
  • 25 per cent reduction in operational emissions over five years in venues and parklands

Materials selection

  • 100 per cent of timber products from sustainable sources
  • 25 per cent minimum recycled content of major materials
  • Energy efficient lighting throughout the Park

Waste management

  • Zero municipal waste direct to landfill by 2025
  • Zero events waste to landfill by 2020
  • By 2020 60 per cent of household waste should be recycled or composted compared to a London average today of 32 per cent

Transport & connectivity

  • Ensure 95 per cent of visitors to events and attractions arrive by public transport, cycle or foot
  • 20 per cent of car parking spaces to have access to electric charging
  • No home more than 350m from a bus stop

Biodiversity & open space

  • 102 hectares of open space within the Park and its immediate vicinity
  • 45 hectares of bio diverse habitat linked to existing areas
  • Avoid chemical control of weeds, pests and diseases

• Facilitate sustainable lifestyles

  • 100 per cent of homes will have smart meters to help people monitor their energy use
  • Superfast broadband and Wi-Fi in and around the Park
  • Promote recycling across the Park

This guide demonstrates to London and the wider world ways of living environmentally sustainable, low carbon, resource efficient, healthy lives. The development of the future Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park will set a standard for other regeneration projects.

The Development Corporation will monitor and evaluate its progress against the priorities set out in the strategy and publish annual sustainability reports.